Sunday, November 16, 2014

Feeding the Koi

I'm not as close to the Japanese Friendship Garden as I used to be but, I drove over there yesterday to take a walk on the paths.  I found the place brimming with people.   So much so, that I actually thought there must have been a special event I didn't know about.  But, no the garden has just turned into a very popular place.  Nothing was blooming yet but, I did see lots of people enjoying the garden and this group standing on the bridge and feeding the koi. It was a perfect morning to be outside.


  1. That's a very peaceful looking scene.

  2. Japanese Gardens are good for the soul; wonderful places to relax! This must be a beauty!

  3. Pretty fish?
    A restauranteur got in trouble a few years back for having koi in his restaurant fish tank. Wicked invasive if it ever made it to lakes and streams, I guess. Not so pretty then.

  4. Nice to see the weather drawing people out and about Sharon.. although on saying that.. I'm not a fan of big crowds :) Looks like the ducks were hoping for a tidbit also :)

  5. Looks lovely. We have a Sholom Park nearby where we go to feed the koi. Great fun!

  6. Good to be out and feeling better on such nice days as you have had lately.

  7. Judging by the long sleeves on those ladies it must be a nice time to walk around, Sharon.

  8. Everyone loves feeding the fish. It's a meditative activity.

    I'm sure you've been to the Japanese garden in the Missouri Botanical Garden.

  9. On a day like that, the garden would be a really peaceful place to be.
