Thursday, November 13, 2014

Remember when....

....cameras looked like this?  I found these old-timers sitting on a shelf in an antique store.  I had never heard of the Filmo on the right so I looked it up.  Apparently, it was a line 16mm of cameras and projectors made by Bell & Howell.  I've heard of Bell & Howell!


  1. Well yes and no ! :-) I never used one like this! I sometimes wish I still photographed with my film camera... Nice collection!

  2. Reminds me of my Super 8 days.

  3. I wonder if I will ever go back to shooting with an old film camera again. Maybe if I bought a Rolleicord. That would be fun.

  4. Always nice to look at the cameras whose pictures we often admire.

  5. Thought they looked like cini cameras, I have a few old film cameras at home

  6. Those are great! I love old cameras, though by the time I was growing up in the '70s they didn't look nearly as interesting.

  7. These are too old, even for me...
    great find, Sharon !

  8. I love old cameras Sharon that's why I love going to the camera markets. I've actually managed to take some shots with a 1919 pocket camera, was amazing.

  9. There was a display of old cameras in the window of a store in Prescott a couple months ago. They were selling old photography books. I took a picture that I will have to try to find.

  10. My aunt pulled one of these out every Christmas and commenced firing.

  11. We had one of those old box cameras where you held it in front of you and looked down to take the picture when I was a kid. I wish I still had it!

  12. There's a shop here that has a number of these old cameras still in stock... though you wonder where you get the film.

  13. I have a collection of old/antique cameras. These are nice and I don't have any like them, yet.

  14. I used a Bell and Howell and a Bolex when I was starting out in television news many, many years ago.

  15. Nope. None of these cameras were around the house when I was growing up. Kodak brownie and Polaroids.

  16. Photography certainly has taken a quite different turn in recent years.
