Wednesday, November 12, 2014


There was a lot going on in Phoenix this last weekend and unfortunately I only made it to one event, the Chilies and Chocolate event at the Desert Botanical Garden.  An unfortunate head cold kept me away from all the rest of the events this last weekend.  I'm sad that I missed the Spanish Market at the Heard museum and there was a travel expo going on at the Phoenix Convention Center that I hated to miss but, it was probably better to nurse the cold so it would to away sooner.  However, here it is 3 days later and it's still hanging on.

This lady was performing at the Chilies and Chocolate event and I'm pretty sure she's the same one I photographed two years ago at the same event.  What do you think?


  1. Great capture! And I think you're right!

  2. I'll lament with you over the lost opportunity to attend all these marvelous sounding events and places. Always best to take care of yourself! This is a wonderful photo.

  3. Oh la la! Beautiful "action" shot, Sharon.
    I'm not sure that this is the same person as two years ago... the woman two years ago was paler :)

  4. Hope your cold gets better. And I think you're right about the woman. How many Flamenco dancers could there be in metro Phoenix?

  5. It does look like the same lady. Wonderful picture! I hope you feel better soon.

  6. Could be the same one. Nice shot of her. Your cold should be better by this weekend.

  7. I'm not quite sure. Terrific action shot though!

  8. It certainly looks like the same woman. And that dancing is keeping her trim.

  9. Fabulous pic, Sharon! It could be the same person but she looks older.

  10. Well technically she's two years older but she looks a lot older... I'm sure you enjoyed it, flamenco is such a gorgeous music/dance.

    Hope you feel better!

  11. I hope you get well soon, Sharon. I find it frustrating that there are SO many events and yet not enough time to get to even a fraction of them. C'est la vie.

    Autocorrect wanted to change c'est to chest. I wonder how many times I have not caught autocorrect in the act and how many times it has made me look like an idiot.

  12. It could be the same.
    I wish you a prompt recovery now.

  13. You so picked the right festival Sharon.. chilli chocolate is a sure fire cure for.. everything :) I think you may be right about your dancer, gosh flamenco dancing sure keeps you fit, might have to see if I can find a class :)
