Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Llamas and Alpacas

While we were in the north Phoenix area for the Chrysanthemum show, we were introduced to some unusual characters who happen to live on a very busy north Phoenix street in the middle of the city.  These llamas and alpacas were not what one would expect to find grazing in the large yard of an equally large home.

This one seems to be saying "I hear ya but, I can't see you".

 This group of beauties is not exactly what I would expect to see on the streets of Phoenix Arizona.  But, they were certainly fun to stop and look at and of course, snap a few photos.


  1. Exotic animals are becoming more popular in Sweden as well. l

  2. How exotic indeed but what about them during the Arizona summer heat.

  3. The first portrait is really great, Sharon !
    Exotic animals are landed also here in the last 5-10 years... seems to be a new trend ...

  4. To answer Therese's question, my friend who lives in that neighborhood said they all go to Flagstaff (in the mountains) for the summer. What a life!

  5. I always enjoy seeing llamas but I am always careful because you can't always tell what kind of mood they are in. Strange to see them in the big city though.

  6. We have an alpaca farm here in Ocala that sells mainly the fur/hair of the animals. They are not used for meat, although I know some places raises Llamas for food.

    Cute shots. I always think of the song with the line that "smoke gets in your eyes," but change it to "hair" gets in your eyes.

  7. Both kinds of animals are such characters. Terrific shots!

  8. I love that they live right in the city but go up to the cool areas for the summer! Smart creatures, Sharon!

  9. The second shot with your caption is too funny! I love them... and their wool!

  10. I'm thinking those were on Bethany Home Road. Seems like I've seen them there.

  11. I don't think I could distinguish a llama from an alpaca if a pair of them walked up to me. And what are they doing in the desert? I guess there are a lot of things in PHX you wouldn't expect there.

  12. Great pictures! They are beautiful animals.

  13. I hardly ever run across alpacas or llamas in Hartford or Naples.

  14. Well snapped, mylady! ;-)

    Greetings from germany!


  15. They certainly are odd looking creatures aren't they, kind of cute though, their long fringes always make me smile :)

  16. They are unusual pets, and the owners definitely must be animal lovers.

  17. They're all beautiful but the one on top is a winner.
