Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Exotic Arrangements

Yesterday I told you about the National Chrysanthemum Society show I went to on Saturday and I had photos of some of the many blooms.  Today I have a few photos of some of the arrangements that were on display.  The one above was one of my favorites.  I like the gracefulness of it's lines.

This one incorporated some Arizona citrus in it's design.

This one also had some citrus involved along with some palm leaves and cactus.  It also won some awards as you can see from the ribbons in front of it.

This one has really got that Southwestern theme going on.  It also has included the 5 C's that make up the Arizona economy, Copper, Cattle, Citrus, Cotton and Climate.  Very clever!


  1. I like the cow's skull, though it might be a little large (and potentially unappetizing) to use as a centrepiece!

  2. The first one is also my favorite, Sharon.

  3. The last one is super clever but like you the first is my fav here also, it has a sort of Japanese zen feel to it don't you think Sharon.

  4. I like that first one too, Sharon!

  5. That last one's my favourite of the group.

  6. Moms and mums are a good combination. They always help out the spirit.

  7. Unusual designs, I love the Southwestern one!!!

  8. I like the symbols in the last one but I must admit I prefer yesterday's chrysanthemums...

  9. All of these are terrific. My favorite is the first one, though. It's got a certain energy, almost like it's going to begin moving forward!

  10. I like the one With the cow skeleton. Very Arizona!

  11. You know me, I like the one with the skull.

  12. Beautiful arrangements!! I love the way the arrangement follows the curve of the vase in the top photo and the last one is just plain fun!
