Thursday, November 20, 2014

A tree-lined walk

After our encounter with the llamas (and a few other animals I didn't mention yesterday), we took a walk around this neighborhood to enjoy the beautiful setting with all the mature trees and beautiful yards.

It was so green and lush in this area that I felt like I was taking a walk in my old home town of Quincy Illinois.  What a pleasant neighborhood, so peaceful and quiet as well as green with an abundance of large, full trees.  It was a thoroughly enjoyable day!


  1. That's a very green and pleasant looking area!

  2. Were there any curtan twitchers watching you like some plces round here. Looks very peaceful

  3. Looking at the palm trees I could feel the heat emitting from the scene. It's COLD here!

  4. That would be a nice drive to take in.

  5. I like the palm trees and that beautiful green !

  6. The green is pretty but it always makes me think of our dwindling ground water. I would imagine that these places have irrigation, but it still worries me.

  7. Those palms are so tall! What a pretty area.

  8. Almost idyllic! You could take pics for the local Chamber of Commerce. Enticing! Love the royal palms...Phoenix, as I recall, has lots of those - esp. along Central Avenue.

  9. Looks like a great place for a RIDING mower!

  10. So lush and un-desertish, Sharon!

  11. So green!
    Such a nice place to enjoy a walk especially now with the temperature outside.

  12. A distinct difference between Naples and Phoenix is that these scenes would be typical down here and seem to be rarer out there. We get plenty of rain in the summers, and in most years it is enough to get us through the winter with ample greenery.

  13. There's nothing quite so impressive as a tree lined avenue, looks fab! It sure does look lush Sharon does that change in the heat of summer or does it get watered all the way through?

  14. It seems so odd, but totally delightful, to see so much green this time of year.
