Tuesday, June 10, 2014

More weekend activities

On Saturday morning I once again joined Janet and her guests for a trip out to the Wildlife World Zoo.  We braved the 100+ temperatures and had the zoo almost to ourselves.  In the above photo, Emmalin went into the petting zoo to feed the animals but this young deer took a keen liking to the hem of Emmalin's top.  She managed to pry the shirt away and give him the handful of food she was holding for him.

We all enjoyed watching the keepers feed the penguins.  Tomorrow I'll show you what else we saw that day.


  1. The deer looks like it prefers clothes to food!

  2. I knew goats would eat just about anything, but I'd never heard that about deer. I love that second photo -- beautiful and kind of surreal.

  3. Nothing like a tasty shirt for breakfast. Somehow, penguins in Phoenix just seems a bit out of place.

  4. I like the photo with the deer, soooo cute!

  5. Those penguins must have found it hot - unless they were inside in air-conditioning!

  6. Pretty aggressive little deer! She does not seem to be bothered by it. Missed you Sun.night at Gammage.

  7. What a sweet photo! As for the penguins, it looks like an underwater shot!

  8. That deer must think it's a goat! Very cute and looks like great fun. Except for the temps! Whew!

  9. The photo of the penguin keeper is marvelous.

  10. Penguins in the desert, who would have guessed.

  11. Penguins? In Phoenix? Who would have guessed?

  12. Snowbirds... I forgot about them.

  13. You must love zoos to brave that heat, but I would have gone along with you, too. Trips to the zoo are always fun.
