Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Flamingo nursery..

When we were at the Wildlife World Zoo, we saw several flamingos sitting on eggs.  

This one got up the stretch it's legs.

And, one had already hatched because this fluffy little baby flamingo was wobbling around with the others.


  1. Beautiful shots!

  2. Nice to see a young one. I learnt not long ago that flamingo's milk is red!

  3. Someday he'll grow up to be a beauty!

  4. Sorry I have not been leaving comments lately. We were gone for a long time, as you know, and then I got sick and have been traveling on business since I got back.

    Your photos have een superb lately, as usual, including the lighting on the flamingos today.

  5. It's amazing that that little fuzzy chick will one day grow into an elegant flamingo.

  6. Incredible shots Sharon, the sweet little bubs have a long way to go to reach the level of flamboyancy of their parents :)

  7. Flamingos are so beautiful and elegant!

  8. I've seen hundreds of flamingos but never their eggs! That's really cool!

  9. So neat that you got to see them at the birthing season. By the way our finch nest now has 3, maybe 4, newbies peeping out.

  10. I'm not sure I'd ever seen a baby before! Sweet and fluffy and I'm trying to imagine how wobbly it would have been!

  11. Live flamingos are so much more endearing than the plastic ones I sometimes see around town that are usually used as objects of practical jokes. Wonderful photos, esp of the new baby.

  12. Great trio of shots, Sharon. Love the composition on top. Everytime I see flamingos there's a connection in my mind to Lake Bogoria in Kenya where they are by the thousands. What a sight!
