Monday, June 9, 2014


The "Comicon" or Comic Convention took place at the Phoenix Convention Center from June 5th through June 8th filling downtown Phoenix with a huge variety of costumed participants.  Since I was down there Friday night for the symphony, I took the opportunity to snap a few shots of some of the characters I saw.  This young person was playing the violin right outside Symphony Hall.

These handsome fellows were enjoying the talents of the young violinist.

This group was having a conversation outside the conference center when I pointed the camera in their direction.

It was so busy downtown that it felt similar to walking the streets around Times Square in New York.  It was wonderful seeing downtown Phoenix so colorful and lively.

I have a new post on Sharon's Sojourns today.  I'm visiting a ghost town.  


  1. I like that very much and I am smiling all along the seeing and reading...

  2. I have never been to a Comicon. It looks like it's a lot of fun for the participants and photographers.

  3. Lol, the walking dead enjoying the violin!

  4. A fun event for everyone, including photographers.

  5. Brian and Janet were there each day. They have pictures on FB. Looks like it was a fun weekend.

  6. Surely a fun event, I like the photo with the person playing the violin.

  7. Looks great fun!

  8. The attendees really get into the act.

  9. Excellent shots, Sharon... particularly that first one.

  10. The attendees of the Phoenix Comicon seem to be a bit older and better costumed than their peers in Hartford a week earlier.

  11. I'll bet there were even more interesting shots in the convention.

  12. One of Aimee's favourite events when it comes to Perth Sharon.. Fantastic photo opps :)

  13. Would anyone by any chance know who and where to credit that amazing Ciel violinist in the first picture?

    If you do may you send me a message on tumblr(through ask box) as xboxalive

    She was amazing

  14. It sounds like fun. Love the violin player shot.
