Monday, June 23, 2014


It's still cool enough at 6:00 AM to take my walk in the garden and that's what I did yesterday morning.  The garden has some major construction going on right now so the main path is closed and a detour has been opened on a trail that usually serves only staff members.  Along that trail is field full of ground squirrel underground homes.  As I walk past, I always feel like I'm being watched and as it turns out I am!

This one thinks he's hiding from my camera.  Wrong little guy, I can still see you.

This one looks like he's saying "you again?"


  1. That's about as cute as it gets. Great shots, Sharon. I esp. like the 2nd one - the thing blends in so well it looks like a rock! I don't think we have these squirrels here.

  2. Great photos of these cute little guys!
    Our marmots look very similar.

  3. Cute little critter!

    We see groundhogs here, but in the summer they're more likely to be seen in the late afternoon and early evening than at midday.

  4. So adorable. You have lots of patience to get these shot.

  5. Oh hello you little ones, you really are darlings! And you are probably stars too!

  6. Such a fun post Sharon.. so many little eyes watching you, love it !

  7. You got him! He should know better than to try to escape.

  8. Amazing captures of these super cute little guys!
