Sunday, June 22, 2014

Aiming High

This tiny little hummingbird was aiming for a very tall century plant bloom when my shutter caught him mid-flight.  He and a friend were buzzing all around the blooms.

I looked to see if I had a photo of the whole century plant so you could see just how tall it is and this one is the only one I could find.  Obviously, I took it back when the Chihuly exhibit was at the garden.  The flowers on the century plant hadn't opened fully when I took this shot but, you can see how tall it is.

I have a new post on Sharon's Sojourns today.  I'm making a visit to one of my favorite fountains.


  1. Great capture of that remarkable little bird.

  2. A century plant must be a hundred years old? Kudos on getting that wee hummingbird so sharp! Your fast on the button!

  3. What a shot! I wish I could see hummingbirds in person!

    Love the whole view in the second shot!

  4. This century plant is the tallest I have ever seen I think!
    and the hummingbird such a dear little bird.

  5. Oh well done on catching the humming bird and well done it for reaching high :) We have some weird and wonderful plants here in Oz but you certainly match them Sharon :)

  6. Thanks for your comment, Sharon. Got me to thinking...if I were a century plant I'd bloom not too far down the road! :)

  7. Great shot of the hummingbird!

  8. That IS a great shot of the hummingbird. They move so fast I'm impressed you could get it so clear. I tried to shoot some swooping swallows (tongue-twister) yesterday and I couldn't get a very clear image, even with a fast shutter.

    Thanks for the info about the Desert Rose! I'd grow one if I were in the right climate. :)

  9. Amazing photo of an amazing bird!

  10. The little hummingbird that could!

    I'm so glad you posted the 2nd photo - Chihuly's works are just so perfect in your desert landscape.

  11. The photo with the hummingbird is amazing!

  12. You obviously snapped the shutter just at the perfect moment!

  13. I love every shot of these gorgeous gardens you post.
