Sunday, June 8, 2014

Disney in Concert

It's been a busy weekend so far.  Friday night I joined my friend Janet along with her niece and her niece's daughter Emmalin to see the Phoenix Symphony doing "Disney in Concert".  Emmalin and her mother are visiting from Montana.  I took the above photo before the concert started while a few of the orchestra were tuning up.

It was fun listening to all the great music from the wonderful Disney movies but, what was even more fun was watching Emmalin pose with the "Belle" before the concert began.  Two princesses in one photo!


  1. Beautiful portrait, hope you enjoyed the show?!

  2. Oh how wonderfully shy she looks! So sweet!

  3. This would be a little girl's dream Sharon. What a wonderful evening all round.

  4. Sweet portrait! That must have been fun.

  5. What a terrific shot of the two young ladies. They are both gorgeous! I was a bit worried when I first looked at the opening shot...looked like they gave a concert and no one showed up! :) I would have enjoyed this show a lot!

  6. Love the shot of the 2 princesses, Sharon! You can just tell that Emmalin is a nice girl.

  7. I will only sneak photos of performance venues before everything starts or during intermission, too. Cute little girl and cute Belle.

  8. A beautiful child radiating pleasure!
