Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Earth Day!

The Jacaranda trees are blooming in Phoenix right now and they have these lovely bunches of lavender flowers hanging from them like bunches of grapes.  They really are beautiful to see but the blooms don't last for very long, maybe two to three weeks.

They leave a carpet of lavender below them wherever they are.  This one happened to be near the street so the lavender carpet has gathered at the curb.


  1. What a spectacular sight!

  2. I love the jacaranda trees that line many of the boulevards in Buenos Aires and explode in lavender every November.

  3. Jacaranda Trees have not bloomed yet here, but when they do, streets look absolutely gorgeous.

  4. The jacarandas do make such a mess after flowering but for the short time while they are in flower, the mess is so worth it :)

  5. Wow - that is gorgeous, Sharon! 2 to 3 weeks of that wouldn't be hard to take.

  6. We don't have them as a rule, they are so beautiful! And 2-3 weeks is a wonderfully long time compared with other spring flowering trees! Do they smell nice too?

  7. Three weeks is a pretty decent bloom time. The dogwoods here are only in bloom about 10 days and the crabapple trees about one week. I love those purple blossoms. They remind me of hanging baskets. Phoenix is extraordinarily beautiful in the spring!

  8. They are down here in Florida, too, but it seems that they are less common than before.

  9. The colors take my breath away! I've been having problems with my typing hand ann need to figure out how to post comments.

  10. All those lovely purple carpets will soon disappear with the wind.
