Friday, December 20, 2013

A very different Christmas Tree

Way back in 2009, I did a post on Hanny's a new restaurant/bar in downtown Phoenix.  You can see the old post here but to summarize, Hanny's is a great place that now lives in a building that used to house a clothing store by the same name.  The name is painted on the side of the building and imbedded in the sidewalk at the entrance so the owners decided to keep the name for their new business.  I was there a few nights ago and saw this very unusual Christmas Tree.  This restaurant company is know for their very eclectic art that changes frequently in all of their restaurants so I guess it's only natural for them to come up with truly eclectic holiday decor.

Reminder:  the theme for January is "Photo of the Year".  I've already picked mine, have you?


  1. A very eclectic tree!

  2. Yes, it is unusual and beautiful. I knew months ago which photo I would select for January 1!

  3. THis tree is fun and ready to leave anytime. Hopefully he will stay till the 25th!

  4. Looks like something from Star Trek, Santa could be beamed down at any second!

  5. We went to Hanny's for the first time before the Symphony a month or so ago. It was a good place to meet before downtown events.

    Good to see you and David last night. Thanks for preparing a wonderful meal.

  6. A very cool idea but at the same time it looks like it could be the umbilical cord to "Alien"

  7. That kind of looks like a tornado to me. I think we had lunch with you in there a few years ago.

  8. Possibly the coolest tree I've seen yet on the webosphere! I agree with Judy it looks like tornado-ish:) (And Happy Holidays!)

  9. That looks like a big tree-shaped Habitrail, for some super giant-sized holiday gerbils!

  10. Love that huge tree. It looks different and beautiful...

  11. Fantastic looking tree! It does look as if it is inside a giant slinky. Great dinner and great conversation last night. Stella had fun too!

  12. A very unusual Christmas Tree :-)

  13. Definitely the most unusual Chrissy tree I've seen yet Sharon :)
