This location in downtown Phoenix has been vacant since the 80’s but, recently was opened as a trendy restaurant/bar. The building was originally the home of a clothing store called Hanny’s, a very popular clothing store in Phoenix with this downtown location and two other stores located in shopping centers. They sold high-quality clothing for men and women and I have pleasant memories of shopping there many years ago. In fact, I have a distinct memory of a blue and white checked polyester pant suit trimmed with red piping at the lapels and pockets. I certainly wouldn’t be caught wearing it today, but it was the height of style at the time.

The new owners have retained the name Hanny’s for this new enterprise and they have incorporated signs and other details left from the retail clothing days as décor inside and outside the restaurant. The small photo shows a vintage sign painted on the outside of the building.
So the location once known for the latest styles is now a very stylish destination spot in downtown Phoenix.
The place looks great! Glad they have kept some previous memories.
You've really captured the atmosphere there. It seems the building was vacant for a long time.
As I recall from the 1980's and early 1990's, when I looked at Hanny's from muy office window across the street, the owner of Hanny's fought several redevelopment projects for the block that included his store in order to preserve the building. I am sure he would be pleased at its re-use and continued existence today.
Looks like a great restaurant. Have you eaten there? Great they kept a bit of the history of the place.
Mo, no I haven't tried the food yet. I stopped in for a glass of wine and got to talking to manager about all the changes they made. I'll post more to the story tomorrow.
It's neat that they kept the name. I'm sure a lot of people remember shopping there. Oh, and I remember that pant suit.
Reviews are mixed on Yelp. Looks pretty nice from your pictures.
love how you capture this photo,!!! great Place!!!!!!!!!!
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