Thursday, November 7, 2013

Leaving on a jet plane

Look up in the sky, that might be me passing by.  I'm leaving today for a short trip but, I've got some posts to share with you while I'm gone.  I'll have my iPad and wifi where I'm staying but, I'm not sure how much time I'll have so if I don't comment in the next few days, just know I'm having a great time in London!


cath carbone said...

Je découvre ton blog, j'aime beaucoup ton travail! Des aventures et de très belles
Je suis artiste peintre, photographe amateur; je me suis inscrite pour suivre tes
Je t'invite à me rendre visite sur mes blogs et voir mon travail, merci beaucoup et bonne

HI, I discover your blog that I like very much! adventures and very beautiful
I am french amateur photographer; I was registered to follow your publications
Do not hesitate to visit my blogs and see my work, thank you, have a nice day! Cath.

Andy said...

Stay safe and enjoy.

Anonymous said...

Bon Voyage, hope you have a great time!

Kathy said...

Safe travels!

Judy said...

Can't wait to see the pictures from your trip. Have fun!

LOLfromPasa said...

Have a super time! Hope you are bringing your is getting a tad cool out :).

Mersad said...

Have a great and safe trip. Looking forward to those London images!

Mersad Donko Photography

glenda said...

Away you go! Have a great adventure. Look forward to dinner and sharing your photos etc.upon your return.

RedPat said...

Lucky you! I hope the weather is good! Staying with your friend on Southbank?

Melissa said...

Happy travels! I look forward to seeing your travel photos from my favorite city.

Jack said...

Safe journey, Sharon. I look forward to seeing a sampling of your trip photos.

Mo said...

Look forward to your arrival

Unknown said...

Enjoy my favourite European city, Sharon!

Kate said...

Forget about us (temporarily) and have a great trip!!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Happy trip Sharon, have a wonderful trip.

Randy said...

I am so jealous.

Steve Reed said...

Oh, you're in London! Wow! Hope you're enjoying this wonderful non-rainy weather. (At the moment, although it IS chilly!)