Monday, November 25, 2013

A London Adventure, Part 2

As we continued our drive past the famous London sites, we made a quick stop along the Victoria Embankment to snap a shot of the fun London Eye sitting across the river.

We then drove toward Trafalgar Square with a great view of Nelson's column right in front of us.

Then a quick turn up The Mall toward Buckingham Palace.  Lunch with the Queen was not in the cards, but Mo did have a surprise up her sleeve.   As we waited in the line of traffic, the changing of the guards parade marched right past our car.

How is that for perfect timing?


  1. Thanks for sharing. Me too enjoying the trip around London.

  2. It's a great tour of all the sights!

  3. Jolie publication!
    Very nice post! nice pictures
    Thanks & Welcome for your comment and your next visit to my blogs.
    Have a nice day! Cath.

  4. What a spectacular day. And Mo's perfect timing extended beyond the changing of the guard. SHe picked the day for your outing to coincide with a sunny day rather than typical London weather.

  5. We can see that you had a beautiful weather too (and not the dreaded British fog) to enjoy the view as well as the Changing of the Guard.

  6. Well, your timing orchestrated by Mo was impeccable. You were indeed treated royallly!!

  7. You got some great photos Sharon. And the weather has not been the same since you left.

  8. Either by luck or planning, you got quite a treat!

  9. Oh no did you take that sunny weather back to Phoenix with you Sharon.. What impeccable timing Mo has, how fab that she organized your drive at the right time. You caught a couple of iconic London sights here.

  10. What an experience you had, Sharon. The pics are great!

  11. Wow, so many wonderful sights, you had fun and really a royal trip.

  12. This is certainly a day to remember.

  13. London is definitely on my list of cities to visit. And your images are so good, that they make me want to book the flight now!

  14. London's definitely on my to do list. Beautiful pics!

    The uniforms of the Guards are different from the ones we have here on Parliament Hill, but the traditions are much the same.

  15. Great postcards on this and the previous post!
