Sunday, November 24, 2013

A London Adventure, Part 1

If you follow Mo's wonderful London blog called "Fresh Eyes on London", you saw her posts about a recent adventure driving a wonderful little Mini convertible around London to show an American blogger the sights.  Well that American blogger was me and that day was more than just a touring adventure, it was a sheer joy!  Mo was a wonderful tour guide and more than that, became a friend.  We started our day stopping at one of London's hidden jewels, St. Bartholomew Church.  As Mo pointed out in her post, this church dates back to 1123, a date that boggles the mind of this American.

After picking up our gorgeous car pictured above, we started our tour of famous London sites with a stop at St. Paul's Cathedral.  I must admit, I felt a bit like royalty driving up to this famous place and parking right in front so we could get out and snap a few photos.

After our quick visit to St. Paul's, we crossed the Thames and turned around to cross it again over the most famous bridge in the world, Tower Bridge.  I took the above shot right out the windshield of our little car.

As we crossed the bridge, I was able to shoot a few shots out the window of the fast changing skyline of the London financial district.  That building on the left is the one formerly called the Walkie Talkie building because of its shape but now being called the Walkie Scorchie building because of its reflective powers, scorching carpets and melting car parts.  Mo told me that the black shade you see on the side is there to stop the reflection problem while they figure out what to do about the problem.  The tall building in the middle is nick-named the Cheese Grater because of it's unique slanted shape and of course on the far right is The Gherkin.  Don't you just love the names that have been given to these buildings?

Tomorrow, I'll continue with more of our Mini Adventure.


  1. You know, when I read Mo's blog about touring around with someone in a Mini, it never even occurred to me that it could be you. Bravo! Looks like you got a great tour of the city. I hope you also saw the Electric Razor, another nicknamed building, south of the river in Elephant & Castle.

  2. Sounds, and looks, like you had a fantastic adventure! I haven't been to London for over ten years, your photos make me want to pop back down there!

  3. Nice mixtures of photos showing the old and the new structures of London. You still sound excited about Mo your guide.

  4. You had a very full day and Mo did indeed treat you royally. Love the photo of the altar.

  5. I do favourite is 'the Gherkin' :)))

  6. I am amazed that you wee able to park so close to get that picture with the car in it. I am enjoying your adventure.

  7. I guessed it was you right from the beginning and am so glad you had such a good time, Sharon. Did you have special permits or escorts to park in such places?

  8. What a great host you had and isn't it wonderful that the weather cooperated so you could ride in a cute little convertible!

  9. What a wonderful adventure. I am feeling ashamed of not knowing all these skyscrapers' names. I am feeling old having lived in Great Britain for a couple of years while studying... I definitively have to go back and copycat you with a mini! :-)

  10. Modern London has some amazing buildings that you captured beautifully. In your opinion, was a week enough to really experience the city?

  11. The shots of buildings with a lot of history to them, I love... makes me want to see London for myself.

    I'd heard about the effects that building was having. Very strange... makes you wonder how much egg the architect now has on his face.
