Saturday, November 23, 2013

A London Adventure

As most of you know, I spent a week in London earlier this month.  During that visit, I had the pleasure of meeting Mo, the author and photographer of the wonderful Fresh Eyes on London blog.  I have followed her blog for years and always enjoy seeing London through her eyes.  When Mo found out I was coming to London, she invited me to join her on an adventure.  She was being give the use of a new Mini Cooper convertible for a day so that she could blog about it and I was going to get to join her on this little adventure.

For the next few days, I'm going post more about our wonderful adventure in the fun little car.  Isn't it cute?  Makes me want one for right here in Arizona (with the steering wheel on the other side, of course.)


  1. I recently started following Mo's blog. Until now I never realized that you are the American she played tourist guide to. Judging by her photos Sharon, you got to see some excellent sights. Now I get bonus with your postings. I am looking forward to the next few days of seeing how you viewed London.

  2. Sounds like you had a real adventure!

  3. What a wonderful gift for a visiting blogging tourist. Will enjoy your photos, I'm sure. Have a great week-end!

  4. I signed up to follow Mo's blog after hearing about your visit with her. I look forward to seeing more of your visit.

    Julie's brother's wife had a gold Mini-Cooper for a while. It was a very cute car.

  5. I like the looks of that little car much more than the Mini Coopers that I have seen around here. It will be fun to see the pictures that you have chosen to show us.

  6. Really a very nice little car for two ladies, I'm curious what you're going to show us...

  7. Best lookin' Cooper I've see. Most are really UGLY!

  8. Looking forward to your adventure in the Mini Cooper. My daughter-in-law had a mini convertable and she would drive around with her two dogs. They loved it

  9. It sure has a tough look about it! Looking forward to more shots.

  10. Wow what a great opening image

  11. I can't wait to see more. I love those cars.

  12. I can just imagine the fun you had with Mo, two gorgeous ladies in a sports car oh! la! la!

  13. I've been following Mo for a little while, Sharon. Now following you!

    I do like the Mini... just not sure that a six footer like myself can fit in one!
