Monday, February 11, 2013


We had big clouds moving through the sky all day on Saturday so since I had to drive to Tempe for a play in the evening, I left a little early and stopped by the Tempe Lake to see if the sunset was going to show us some color.  The sun is still far enough south that the position wasn't quite right to get it over the lake area but it was a gorgeous sunset regardless.

The Tempe lake sits right in the flight path for Sky Harbor International Airport so while I was snapping sunset photos, planes were roaring overheard on their approach to the airport.  I honestly did not know that I captured one of them until I downloaded the photos.


  1. Beautiful and dramatic capture of an eye catching sky. I've had many shots were things show up later on. I call it dumb luck. The difference between you and me is that I would have said I planned it that way. No wonder my nose is so long:-)

  2. WOW! Both shots are amazing, Sharon!

  3. It was a great sunset on Saturday, which I unfortunately saw from my office, but was still able to join you, Julie and Glenda in time for the play.

  4. Spectacular, well done!

  5. Really nice photos, Sharon! And the 2nd one reminds me of how often serendipity plays an important part in photography!

    I can't imagine how much Tempe has changed over the years.

  6. Oh what a nice bonus Sharon, the skies are amazeballs (Aimee expression haha!) and then to find a plane smack bang in the shot, big wow!!

  7. That was a nice sunset. I love the one with the unexpected airplane.

  8. Fantastic shot. The pilots of the planes coming into this sunset must have a wonderful view.

  9. Cropping could have helped that glorious sunset in the first picture, Sharon.

    The second one is spectacular!

  10. The sky looks on fire and the airplane photo is terrific.

  11. stunning skies of Arizona!!!!!!!!!!!Love this. Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

  12. I'm no airplane expert, but that looks like a DC-10. I didn't think any of them were still flying, but when I went to find an image on the internet, I see that FedEx still has some in their fleet. Good Catch!
