Tuesday, February 12, 2013

More Rain

More rain in Phoenix all day yesterday.  That's okay...the more winter rain, the more the wildflowers will be blooming in the spring.


  1. I hope that's a lake and not a flooded field?!

  2. It was unusual to see the rain streak down our office windows.

  3. Hopefully this is a pond and not just a piece of low-lying ground. I remember when living in Phoenix rain was so scarce that sometimes if it rained during the night we'd go outside and stand there face up!

  4. You have a great optimistic attitude. The earth needs rain, but I cannot believe how damp Charleston is in February!

  5. The desert always welcomes the rain - as long as it's not a flash flood! Is this one of the lakes in Encanto Park?

  6. This is the lake on Camelback Road that is part of an office complex. It's at about 28th Street.

  7. The wildflowers should be beautiful and will start blooming next month!!

  8. It looks as if some of the grass along the edges there could use a good soak! Grey skies are so depressing though.

  9. We seem to have had more rain than usual so we should have more flowers than usual. We will see.

  10. Rain is scarce enough in Phoenix that you can afford to be relaxed when it comes. It is the dry season here in southwest Florida. I am ready for just a few days of rain, if it ever comes.

  11. I like your way of thinking Sharon, I would love it if we had just even a tiny bit of that rain!!

  12. After some wonderful days of sunshine we will have a rainy week ahead. Grrrr... :-)
