Sunday, February 10, 2013


I bet you are wondering what this is.  When I was in Scottsdale on Friday, I stopped on the corner of Frank Lloyd Wright and Scottsdale Road to see if I could get close the the Frank Lloyd Wright designed spire that commands attention at the corner.  Turns out I could get close.  I could (and did) walk right up to it in a small park setting complete with sculptures and fountains.  This spire was part of the plans that FLW created for an Arizona State Capitol building project back in 1957.  The plans were speculative and had never been solicited by the state and were never used.  You can see a photo of the model of the building here.  In 2004, architecture students at Taliesin West constructed this spire for this corner on the street named after the 'master'.

I took some photos of the park and the sculptures while I was there and I'll share those in the future.

One of these days I need to get there at night to get some shots.  It is illuminated from inside at night.


  1. I love that first photo, great shapes, angles and colour

  2. It is quite intriguing and quite beautiful. I like the symmetry of the geometric patterns. And the colors - rather muted but reflecting the green of the flora and the blue of the sky.

  3. Fantastic! The composition on top is excellent.

  4. Wow this is quite a sight Sharon, it reminded me a little bit of our Bell Tower. I like the colours very much blending in with the blue sky.

  5. What a beautiful spire! I really like the greens and blues.

  6. It's a very distinctive looking structure and looks great against that gorgeous blue sky!

  7. excellent perspective. thank you.

  8. When I first saw the thumbnail on my blog roll I immediately thought of FLW's church on 7th Ave. south of Glendale in my old neighborhood. I'll bet it's beautiful at night.

  9. I love the first image. fabulous angle and the color against the sky is perfect!

  10. This is wonderful! I have not seen it.

  11. And these are his original colors? The overall effect is really amazing!

  12. I read a biography recently. An amazing master indeed.

  13. A wonderful combination of soothing colours! It's a wonderful structure.

  14. Interesting angle. Very beautiful.

  15. I'll bet it looks amazing at night.

  16. Wonderful shots! A talented man; he would occasionally be a passenger on one of my flights from Madison to Chicago, and he wasn't a particularly friendly man. Loved his work, tho!
