Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Wish List

Last week when I was meeting someone in Scottsdale, I had an hour to spare so I stopped in some of the many art galleries on Main Street.  When I found these gorgeous and very unusual glass jars, vases and pitchers I fell in love.  They are the creations of Kliszewski Glass.  The husband and wife team of Bob and Laurie Kiszewski produce some of the most colorful and fanciful glass creations that I've seen.  Click on the link to their web site to learn more.  Alas, I didn't buy one but I did put it on my wish list.


  1. I love the vibrant colours!

  2. 'Whimsical' is the perfect way to describe these vases Sharon, you showed wonderful will power not to buy one..I can see at least three that I would have had to use max willpower not to buy!

  3. The galleries in downtown Scottsdale have been challenged by the downturn in the economy and other competitive pressures.

  4. Nice colors, I can see why you were drawn to them.

  5. I love Art Glass! Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

  6. I love the soft look of sand-blasted coloured glass. I would love to have one of these also!

  7. Super colors and quite elegant. Lois Anne would love this place!

  8. There are many outdoor art shows down here in season, and I see glass works like this with some frequency. I always pause. If you buy just one, it won't fit with anything else in the house. And is it the kind of work that you want ten of? I keep walking.

  9. These would sure brighten up a home.

  10. Different than Chihuly, but beautiful in their own right. Don't you just love glass?!

  11. I could have spent time and money here!:)
