Friday, February 22, 2013


Cosanti is the studios of Paolo Soleri, architect, designer, builder, and artist.  His studio has been in this location since 1955 and it's name comes from the combination of two Italian words "cosa" and "anti" which when put together mean "before things".  The complex is designated an Arizona Historical Site and it predates the incorporation of the city of Paradise Valley where it is located.

Paolo Soleri still lives on the site and he is well into his 90's yet he continues to work daily on writings and drawings and the custom bell assemblies as well as his architectural and urban design concepts.  As of last year, he was still visiting his site at Arcosanti in northern Arizona at least once a week.

I visited Cosanti last weekend for the first time and I was taken with the place.  I took many photos that I'll share with you from time to time.  The place blends so well with nature making you feel like every building is as natural as the trees and rocks.  Driving into the place is a magical experience after passing all the large and expensive homes that surround this spot on all sides.  Yet while you are there, none of those places are visible to you and you soon forget you are in the residential heart of Paradise Valley.


  1. I am glad you posted about this place I never happen to visit though we visited Arcosanti community numerous times... The picture is beautiful and the place looks awesome!

  2. I am always impressed with how many artists there are in your area. Another gem.

  3. Looks like a great place to work.

  4. What a great find! I look forward to seeing more.

  5. Found this just before xmas, Located on the way to visiting Mom. Really enjoyed the beautiful bells and the atmosphere.

  6. I find this to be fascinating and appreciate very much your explanatory commentary. I'll look forward to more photos!

  7. Yes.. there are so many artists in your area, fascinating!

  8. This is a place I've always wanted to visit. Looking forward to more pics, Sharon!

  9. I am so excited to learn about this gentleman...I would love to see his studio . It does seem magical! Have a great weekend! Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

  10. Maybe this isn't EXACTLY my style, Sharon . . .

  11. I've long been familiar with Arcosanti - although I've never been there either - but this is my first introduction to Cosanti. Adventure abounds in places we least suspect.

  12. It would please Frank Lloyd Wright, I think, because it looks very organic.

  13. Looks like a very inspiring' space for an artist Sharon.
