Thursday, February 21, 2013


The emblem I teased you with yesterday was found on this beautifully restored Studebaker coupe.  I found it sitting in front of a local antique store.  I can't believe that no one guessed!
I didn't see a "For Sale" sign on it but it was sitting in a predominate spot in front of the store's front door.

It was carefully restored both inside and out.
I do have to add one comment on weather!  We had SNOW in Phoenix yesterday.  No, I didn't get any photos, in fact I didn't know it had happened until it was all over with.  Of course, it didn't last.  It was one of those fleeting moments that surprise you.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. The sign was made for Batman, the car I am not sure!

  3. I think this is the antiques store owner's baby. He even painted the walls of the store in the same color. You aren't going to tear it away from him!

    If it snows so fleetingly that a photographer can't take a photo of it, is it really snow?

  4. You stumped me.

    Julie got photos of the snow, as you can see on her site today.

  5. A great find! I cannot figure out why my cheating didn't come up with the image, but I viewed some pretty snazzy car hood ornaments in the process. You're a clever photographer, Sharon!

  6. I like the way the car and building are color coordinated.

  7. Haha! I'm laughing at Kate and her 'cheating'!! It's a beauty Sharon, that's a real sort of peachy colour. Someone loves it a lot for it to be in such good condition.

  8. p.s. did you notice that I ignored the snow report..only because I'm really hot, I'm soooo envious of your fleeting white moment!!

  9. What a gleaming beauty! Shame you missed the snow!

  10. Very classy car. My guess was way off!

  11. Very cool! I cheated like Kate but couldn't find it either.

  12. I love the color.

    What! No pictures of snow?

  13. My Dad had a Studebaker station wagon ...we drove fro KY out west with 6 kids in the back seat and no air conditioning! It is a memory! Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

  14. We bought an old Studebaker when we lived in Scottsdale. But I did not recall the emblem; maybe 'cause we didn't have it very long. Can't remember much about it, actually.

    This is a gorgeous car and beautifully restored!

  15. A beauty! Love the detail shot below.
