Saturday, February 23, 2013

Architecture & Art

Today I have two more photos from Cosanti that I featured yesterday.  The top photo is the visitor's center where you can purchase one of the famous bells or just browse if you prefer.  The design of this small building made me say "wow" when I walked through the door.  I really like the backbone-like beams across the ceiling and skylight.

This is one of the work areas with work tables just out of this shot to the left and in front of us is another display of the just finished bells.  The beautiful bells were hanging in several areas around the property and you could choose one from the visitor's center above or from anywhere else on the property that you find one that catches your eye.  I picked mine up right from this beautiful rack.


  1. You brought back such beautiful pictures! It must be quite hard to pick one out of all these!
    The shadows on the ground are awesome and I can imagine the noise when the wind starts blowing even a little bit.

  2. How often we forget to look up. Interesting design.

  3. Is there enough wind to move the bells? Are we going to see the one you bought?

  4. It is an amazing looking place!

  5. I love the natural look of the place. Good shots!

  6. This place is utterly amazing! I really respect people who have minds that exude such creativity! Fun, fun, fun.

    So, are the bells expensive?

    And, did you kids swim in the pool that your father (probably) regretted?

  7. It's so good that you bought yourself a bell!

    Good for a Dancing Queen. ;-)

  8. From the thumbnail I thought this was dinosaur bones! Very interesting place.

  9. It is organic, as if it grew rather than was built.

  10. This is a seriously amazing place Sharon, I've not seen anything even remotely like this before. Must have been wonderful to see.

  11. The stage is set ...for an interactive collaborative experience for the visitors when they arrive. We all know not to touch an artist's works ...but here you are gathered here in a communal spirit. Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart
