Thursday, August 16, 2012


I was invited to attend an American Action Forum about the "U.S. Housing Recovery, Lessons from Arizona" Wednesday afternoon.  It was very interesting and ended with a short keynote address by Senator John McCain.  While I was sitting there listening, I suddenly thought "wow this might make a good Phoenix Daily Photo" so I whipped out my iPhone and snapped a shot of the senator as he spoke.  So here you have the senior senator from Arizona and figure most likely very well known to all Americans, Senator John McCain.

Notice how I gracefully stayed out of any political references at all?  The event was very non-partisan so I decided to keep it that way.


  1. Well done, Sharon. This was a good opportunity to showcase a national figure in a non-political way.

  2. I guess no one is without a camera of some kind now.

  3. Sheeeeesh! Is anything non-polical these days?

  4. Hoping this talk will have some positive effect!

  5. I've tried iPhone shots and they just don't work well for me. I am surprised you didn't have your camera with you.

  6. I hope someone somewhere in the country is learning lessons from what happened to us here in Arizona. This is a great shot. Glad you "whipped" out your phone. :)

  7. Good shot of Senator McCain. Hard to keep your opinion to yourself in this state. You did a good job.

  8. O.K. I'll keep my opinion to myself, too. ;^/

  9. It's good to hear all points of view, whether we agree or not. Must have been interesting to hear him in person.

  10. I commend your ability to get the photo! Great job.

    Further comments of a political nature are hereby suspended (which is a very difficult thing for me to do!)

  11. It is going to be a very interesting election.

  12. I have an iPhone with me all the time but have pretty much given up on taking photos with it. I never like the ones I take. But, when the new one comes out next month, I am first in line. Maybe it will be better.

    Politics? The sound you hear is me zipping my lips.

    Must be regional variations in corn. Wikipedia tells me your shoepeg and my butter-and-sugar are both sweet corn, with shoepeg more common in the south.

  13. You got a great shot with your iPhone Sharon. Made me laugh, I was trying to take a picture of Aimee this afternoon with her phone, kept messing it up she got so frustrated with me haha!
    As for politics and religion..mum's the word!!
