Saturday, January 7, 2012


I'm not sure if I should feel young or old after seeing this group of senior citizens perform a dance routine to Michael Jackson's "Thriller" last night before the Phoenix Sun's Basketball game.  Most of the members of the dance group are older than I am but, they sure had all the right moves.

It turns out the Sun's had some pretty good moves too since they beat the NBA leading team, the Portland Trailblazer's 102 to 77.  It was a fun night for everyone with the possible exception of the Portland fans.


  1. this looks like such fun for everyone.

  2. Oh my gosh, good on them, once a dancer always a dancer they say Sharon, and it looks lie THEY might be right. Great fun!

  3. I maxed the photo and saw some pretty interesting and unusual costumes!

  4. I wonder where they got their costumes. The back of their closets?

    What will be next. Senior citizens doing a Saturday Night Fever dance routine? Senior citizen break dancing"

  5. That is just funny! Good way to get some exercise and stay in shape!

  6. Ha! Very Fun! Yes, where DID they get those costumes?

  7. Attending a NBA game with your team winning and a great half time show sounds like a great Friday night!

  8. Some of us old people can still jump around and dance. With a few exceptions, like moi.

    I like their costumes, too!

    You must have had a great night what with the Suns and music and all!

  9. Very funny and fun to watch, I bet!

  10. It doesn't look like many people were there yet to see the performance!

  11. Good for them. It reminds me of a documentary I saw a couple of years ago about older people singing rock music. See

  12. Wow that's some score. I didn't think the Suns had it in them this season. I miss going to the games.

  13. this sounds fun. good for those seniors for rocking to thriller
