Friday, January 6, 2012

Chilli Plant

Yesterday it was chillies for sale, today it's chillies still on the plant.  These look like they are ready to be picked.


  1. like red hot fingers. great shot.

  2. I wonder what it would be like to grow chilies.

  3. They make for a very attractive looking plant Sharon, I see them at the nursery every time I go, one day I will have to buy one!The movie was excellent.

  4. It's always the smallest that are the hottest.

  5. I like the reds, oranges, and yellows of the chiles next to the green of the plants.

    I'll bet those chiles pack a spicy punch!

  6. Not only are they good to eat, they make a nice looking plant too!

  7. Wonderful light, Sharon.
    They look good, I would like to taste one.

  8. I don't know what those are but we had some asian chilies out back. When they turned ripe, SWMBO took a bite of one and (though she usually loves hot food) this one nearly took her head off. After that they were just for decor.

  9. They would be pretty to grow in a pot on my patio. Maybe I'll try one.

  10. I have seen these in florist shops here but I was never sure if you can eat them. I'll have to try growing one!

  11. One of the best thing about our NM visits is being able to eat the marvelous chilis. How I love eating them!!

  12. Well worth growing some. You can keep them in the freezer for years and they stay just as HOT.

  13. Are these your chillies? It's been so cold here that I've been quite chilly. Maybe if I ate some of these chillies? Pretty colors!
