Thursday, August 25, 2011

Cactus Bloom

We've reached that time of year where it is simply too hot to go out and take pictures so, I looked in the archives for something to post and found this photo of one of the blooms on my backyard cactus.  It bloomed again for the second time this year back in mid-July and this time it had five blooms on it.  This is a close-up picture of one of those blooms. 


  1. Cactus blooms are always special, I don't konw why. Is this cactus ever found in the desert growing wild? It looks cultivated but it is hard to tell.

  2. The petals look absolutely perfect and such subtle colors!

  3. You and Julie both have cactus blooms today.

    This week is a scorcher in Phoenix. Two days ago when I drove home from work at about 7:30 at night my car said that it was still 108 degrees.

  4. There it is. Absolutely gorgeous! Glad to know my Echinopsis is not a freak blooming twice a year! LOL!

  5. Beautiful. Fashion designers can find endless inspiration in flowers.
    Please stay cool.

  6. Such a lush and exotic flower Sharon, amazing such a spiky thing as a cactus produces something so exquisite. Keep cool!!

  7. In the east, we don't see cactus flowers very often. Just in indoor arboretums or hotels. Very nice. Stay inside and take care of yourself.

    Thanks for your kind BD wishes.

  8. It's like a miracle that a prickly thing can have such a flower!

  9. You have to know that this is one of my favorites! They are so delicate and frail looking.

  10. How can something so delicate come out of such harsh weather? Hope you have plenty of cactus hooch to help you through the heat of the day.
