Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Native Stones

The walls of the Valley National Bank building (now Chase Bank) are made of stucco and native stone.  There is definitely the influence of Frank Lloyd Wright in the design of this building.  It is obvious in the organic curves and natural materials used in construction.  The stone is called Yavapai schist and each stone seems to float in the curved walls that wrap around the parasols.

In this photo, you get a closer look at the “peanut brittle” textured walls and you can see how the minerals in some of the stones have painted the walls with a rust colored coating over the years.

This last photo shows the inside of the bank branch.  You can see the curves of the walls and glass and the organic look and feel.  I apologize for the quality of this photo.  I snapped it rather quickly while no one was looking my way.  Photographing the inside of a bank is tricky matter.


  1. Frank Lloyd Wright was the first thought that came to my mind when I saw your photos of the exterior. The interior reminds me of the Johnson Wax Building by Wright, which I have seen only in photos..

  2. You got a great photo inside and avoided the guards from overtaking you.

  3. Photographing the outside might also be a little dicey!

  4. Looks more like a museum than a bank.

  5. Frank Lloyd Wright was an amazing man, and I feel privileged to have visited both Taliesins! I think it is an outstanding building, both inside and out. Had to laugh at your comment about your surreptitious photographing in the bank. Just as I have stated in previous are an adventurous woman!!

  6. I'm glad that they have maintained this building so well and not decided it was something to update and make more modern. Did you use your spy camera? :)

  7. Interesting walls and beautiful pictures, especially the last one!

  8. I had almost forgotten this building. It is most unusual and I'm glad it's still in used.

  9. I am so glad that you snuck that pic inside the bank! It's fabulous.

  10. I stand by my previous comment in which I sensed an "alien" feel to the building (that's not negative but universal - alien as in from space)...

    Thanks for the close-up of the wall...I had noticed the stones and was hoping for a better view. Love it!

  11. Sharon, I believe that strong young man with his hand on your shoulder is from the FBI. Remember to say Yes, Sir, and No, Sir.

  12. I love how open the interior is.

  13. This is the coolest bank I've seen. Love the stones on the walls.
