Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Big Brother

All the the light rail stations have been equipped with cameras to keep an eye on the crowds at the stations.  I bet this is the same in most cities with a light rail system.


  1. I think these cameras are helpful in deterring some bad behavior and crime and in apprehending some perpetrators. And they do not cost as much as paying for live officers.

  2. Cameras, as Dave, suggests can be good deterrents. Our fair city is currently being torn up by the construction of a light rail system. Hard on the small businesses. We'll all be glad when it's finished, and I'll keep an eye out for them.

  3. and I would imagine not only light rail system but anyplace where people tend to gather.

  4. A most necessary thing in these times, 'big brother' is everywhere watching, and it's quite comforting to know.

  5. We are the most photogrpahed nation in the world. Here in London expect your photo to be taken at least 300 times in a day.
    So why do they hassle us photogrpahers?

  6. We're being watched no matter where we go now a days.

  7. I have a different take on camera everywhere. While it is certainly necessary at some places, as this practice continues privacy becomes a thing of the past, which is sad.

    Whats next, a camera in your car so if and when you have an accident your insurance company can see what you were doing when it happened?

    In a society with a lot of people in close proximity, thing happen. You cannot fix everything. But you can take everyone's privacy and that is unfortunately what is happening.

  8. They are everywhere here too! Sometimes a good thing.

  9. They have some benefits, but I'm always worried someone will see something less than flattering.

  10. Wasn't aware of the cameras at the lite-rail But I suppose they are every where. Heads up.

  11. Cameras are everywhere. I do understand the worries of the privacy advocates, but I think that train left the station a long time ago.

  12. We have cameras everywhere more and more and, although it is a controversial subject considering privacy rights, I'm glad they do exist in these days. Imagine if there were no cameras in London, how could they identify and punish all those criminals?!

  13. were watching somebody watching somebody else!
