Thursday, August 11, 2011

Another View

This is a view of Phoenix from the hills in the north east part of town.  We don't see the downtown skyline in this shot.  It's looking down 44th street toward South Mountain.  Phoenix is laid out in a grid of north/south and east/west streets making it pretty easy to find your way around.  Not like California where I spent last week.  There it is pretty easy to stay on one street and end up completely turned around.

There is an awful lot of green out there for a city in the middle of the desert, don't you think?


  1. Yes, I hear you! I do miss that north/south one-mile-apart main arterials of Phoenix. I sometimes get lost in little towns of 10,000 population here in Texas that were laid out in the 1850s because streets just go every which way and I lose my compass bearings. But I guess that's one of the things that lend to their charm!

    LOL - the CAPTCHA word for verification here is "distunce"!

  2. YOu're right about the greenery; a bit surprising for the location. I love the clouds in your shot.

  3. Yes it looks very lush out there Sharon, like an 'oasis' in the desert!!

  4. the road looks as if it goes on forever.

  5. Ya, was amazed at the patterned street when I first flew into Phoenix.

  6. Must make it quite easy for the directionally challenged!

  7. Interesting photo. I wouldn't guess this was Phoenix. It looks so green.

  8. There really is a lot of green. Who knew? I think my most favorite view of the city is driving eastward on McDowell road from Scottsdale. I especially like it at night.

  9. As a result of these gridded streets, I have never had any trouble finding my way in Phoenix.

  10. That is a lot of green, sometimes I'm surprised at how green the desert can get. I know what you mean about our grid streets, I'm always hopelessly lost when I go to other places that aren't laid out like that!

  11. Yes, it is the green that is so surprising in this scene.

  12. It was so easy to learn to get around in Phoenix when I first got my license. Something my daughter is now learning to appreciate too. Nice view and amazing green.
