Friday, August 12, 2011

Home Tour revisited

Back in March I posted a few pictures from a charity home tour.  Recently I drove by this house again and got to see if from the side.  This house is build right into the side of a rocky mountain and the front looks like a solid slab while the sides and back are all glass.  I tried to explain how it was built in the original post but, this photo shows it much better.  I just wish they had the drapes open so you could see straight through it.    You can see the original post here.


  1. Gosh it looks so different from this angle Sharon, it's a pretty amazing house though, and I must admit I like the idea of the steps, at least I'd get SOME exercise !!

  2. This is house is so cool! The façade and yard shown on your other pic are just fabulous.

  3. Wonderful looking house, I love how it is cut into the terrain. I also loooovve when people leave drapes open so I can see another's way of life.

  4. Built into a mountain? Wouldn't you just see dirt and rock? hahahaha

  5. I do believe I remember this...quite unique and beautiful in its own way!

  6. I thought this was the one that had the neat older car out front. What a different perspective.

  7. Cool house! I remembered that neat station wagon from the 1st post.

  8. Fortunately rock slides are very rare here!
