Friday, July 29, 2011

My Desk

Today I'm showing you my desk in the office where I work.  Above my desk is one of my photographs that I have digitally manipulated, enlarged and had framed.  I've been doing quite a lot of that lately and have even sold quite a few.
I'm going to be away from here for next week.  I'm going to take a break from the heat and enjoy some ocean breezes for a change.  But, I'm taking the new Macbook with me so I will hopefully stay connected at least once a day.  I might even post a nice "vacation" scene if I get the opportunity.


  1. what a tidy desk. you would be appalled to see fact, i'm looking around at my own desk, then back to your desk, and feeling completely discouraged because i actually tidied my desk yesterday.
    love the print of your photograph.

  2. Ditto re. brattcat's comments. Hope you enjoy your vacation...close to water, what's there not to like! Hope that you will have as much fun with your Macbook as I am having with my Air. Only wish I had gotten the larger screen.

  3. Nice place to work. Wonderful photo. Have a wonderful time on the ocean.

  4. This puts my various work stations to shame.

  5. What an absolutely charming place to work! Congratulations on selling some of your photos. I think we all dream of doing that at times. That is a lovely photo.

  6. Nice little nest to work in. I wonder if your desk is always that neat. Knowing you it probably is. Have fun in CA.

  7. I would love to snuggle in and work from here myself. Love your artwork. Enjoy your time away, but don't forget us. :)

  8. Nice office Sharon ;)
    I wish you happy holidays.

  9. Like the others, I am impressed with how neat it is. Good for you, Sharon. I am impressed that you have been successful in selling your photography. Have fun with the break. Enjoy it.

  10. I too am impressed with how tidy you are - Somehow I always have so many bits of paper that I think I need! Have a nice break.

  11. I wish my desk was so perfectly uncluttered!
    Have a great time!

  12. I wish you good and relaxing vacations!

  13. First, have a wonderful vacation! I love that photograph. It's so awesome that you have sold some of your photos. I would like to have your office!

  14. Nice print and clean desk :-)) Have a nice vacation!

  15. I also love the print of your photo. And wish I could keep my desk as clean as yours... :-)

  16. Your desk is soooo neat and tidy! Love the photo! Where and how do you sell your pictures?

    Have a terrific time. I'd guess you're heading to California. When we lived in Phoenix, we'd drive to San Diego for water and coolness!
