Saturday, July 30, 2011

Morning Sun on Copper

I was out early last Saturday morning and caught sight of the early morning sun reflecting off of the copper trim at the Park Central Shopping and Office complex.  Copper is one of the main industries of Arizona so you see it as an accent to buildings quite often in our state.


  1. Copper mining in the 19th century used to be done in northern Michigan, but when it became more economical, mining was shifted to the southwest states, esp. your very own Arizona. I used to spend a lot of time in the UP of Michigan where mining once was very important. The price of copper has risen astronomically which is very good for your state.

  2. I can feel the heat coming off this image! Great combination of copper and blue.

  3. What a great idea to use copper in architecture. The light is fantastic and the composition too.
    Enjoy the ocean wherever you are, Sharon.

  4. The copper is beautiful. Looks like it's been shined up recently.

  5. Great find at the right moment.

  6. The problem with copper prices rising so much is the some thieves strip the copper off the buildings and sell it a scrap yards.

    I am sure you will enjoy your vacation starting today.

  7. Copper is rather pretty on buildings especially with the sun reflecting off it like this. There's a big fight in Tucson regarding the opening of copper mine near here.

  8. The new copper adds some rich color here. Early morning is a good time to catch it.

  9. Great light! I love the look of copper when it is used for decorating. That reminds me, I have a big jar of pennies that I need to cash in.

  10. Nice use of the copper and the clock is pretty cool too!

  11. Great shot! "Back to the Future" movie comes to mind.

  12. Makes me think of Jamba Juice. I wish we had them here.

  13. The clock says 7:30...I bet it was already starting to warm up by then. I love copper on buildings. It has such a warm look.

  14. Indeed! What a nice way toportrait it..only the hihlights... The horizon's still dark.... must be a strong sun during daytime.

  15. Years ago I heard about kids who would walk by a policeman and one of them would say in a loud voice: "Hey, what are policemen made or." And the others would yell "Dirty Copper" and run very fast.

    I never did that, of course, but some of my friends did.

    Copper does make for a nice accent here! And a nice light catcher, too.

  16. Nice catch. I tend not to get out too early as I am not a morning person thus I miss a lot.
