Sunday, February 13, 2011

Tree Trimming

My neighbor had his palm trees trimmed yesterday.  These guys seem to have no fear of heights.


  1. That's very high up. They've got guts.

  2. I had two of those palms at my house in Phoenix. I always held my breath during the trimming process. I've never known anyone to trim them this time of year. Usually it's June or July after the seeds pods have developed that they are trimmed. Maybe these were just long overdue.

  3. Isn't it amazing how those guys just scamper up a palm tree? We used to have a eucalyptus in our front yard and one time a trimmer actually fell out of it! His boss made him sit down and then get back to work! Can you believe it? That was about 25 years ago!

  4. hahahaha! ...a different 'take' on trimming the tree. hohohoho!

  5. This is a very dangerous job! Great shot of him though. I bet he would like to have this picture.

  6. They don't trim like this here, they use some kind of crane. Brave guy! :-)

  7. I can't look at palm tree trimmers without thinking of the Dexter episode of the very scary tree trimmer.

  8. I used to hate having this done every year. I couldn't wait for them to get back down on the ground.

  9. Wow. This is scary. I hope that they are tied off somehow. Great photo of the palm branches in mid air.

    I hope that they do not encounter any critters up there that might make them make a sudden move and lose their balance.

  10. No way I could even begin to do this...or would have been able to do it when I was younger. I am so afraid of heights. These guys amaze me.

  11. Now, here is another job I don't think I am qualified for.

  12. I've seen this done in Palm Springs! The guy just scooted up like it was nothing! Glad you got this shot

  13. This ain't nothing I climb up palm trees like these that are 45 feet all step by
    step with spikes and chains no ladder or buckets
