Saturday, February 12, 2011

Frank Memorial Lecture

Last night I attended an annual lecture at Arizona State University that is held in honor of John P Frank (1917-2002) a very well know leader in the Arizona legal community.  This year’s speaker was Nina Totenberg, pictured above.  Ms. Totenberg’s name will be well known to any of my readers who listen to National Public Radio.  She is the legal affairs correspondent for NPR and has spent the majority of her career reporting on the Supreme Court.  The evening was titled “a conversation with Nina Totenberg” and that is exactly what it was, an entertaining conversation about what it is like to report on our nation’s highest court.

This last December, I was fortunate to witness oral arguments in front of the Supreme Court, an experience I prize highly.  I think that experience added to my enjoyment of Ms. Totenberg’s descriptions and stories about justices and cases past and present.


  1. Finally, an issue that I am passionate about. I have looked for information of this caliber for the last several hours. Your site is greatly appreciated.

  2. What a timely post! As Julie and I commented to you on the phone last evening after the lecture, we are sorry that we could not attend this lecture with you, but I had to go the airport to pick up Julie upon her return from her second business trip of the week. We look forward to hearing more about Nina Totenberg's lecture when we see you for dinner this evening.

  3. Finally, I finally get to see what she looks like. She is a clear, wonderful reporter. Great photo of her. I know what you mean about the Supreme Court. My husband had a case before the SC some years ago, and it was an impressive event. Very theatrical as the SC Justices approached the bench, followed by fascinating arguments.

  4. Nice shot. That is so awesome that you had the chance to see the Supreme Court that would be something to get excited about.

  5. I had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Frank several years ago.

    Since moving to Texas the only NPR station I can get only broadcasts the hourly NPR news. Otherwise, it's all classical music. I love the music but I do so miss the commentary and other programs.

  6. Great picture and interesting lecture, I'm sure. I see the people in the background are interested in what is going on too.

  7. She looks like a "power woman"! Nice portrait. Not sure what NPR is but assume it is like our CBC radio and well worth listening to.

  8. great information and portrait of Nina Totenberg. inspiring indeed

  9. That must have been quite an experience to be in the Supreme Court, that would have been interesting!

  10. Most interesting. Are you going to tell us about the case you heard argued at the US Supreme Court?

  11. How interesting! What an opportunity!
