Friday, October 8, 2010

Driving in the rain

I was going to delete this photo, but the more I looked at it, the more I liked it.  I took this Tuesday evening when I was driving to a meeting right after work.  It had been raining for the past 2 to 3 hours and I had just come through a patch of heavy rain. Then there was a little break in the storm, clouds started to separate and the setting sun came into view to glint off of my wet windshield.  When it rains in Phoenix you can count on very heavy traffic.  I was staring at these tail lights for a long time so when I saw the sun light up the street and cars ahead of me, I grabbed my camera and hoped for the best.


  1. The light is fantastic, I like this photo too.

  2. Ariz. certainly has had its share of storms the last few days! The wisp of a cloud and the starburst sunshine light up this photo.

  3. A good reminder of what the traffic gets like in Phoenix during and after a rain. Yikes. Great lighting.

  4. I was driving in this same storm, and it was amazing. It was a downpour when I left for home, 10 minutes later the clouds were swirling around Camelback Mountain, and when I got my camera from home and returned 10 minutes later to take photos, the skies were clear and I got some sunset photos across the entire valley with the only clouds on the horizon like in your photo.

  5. tbe photo has a unique feel and seems like an old time photo

  6. No, the photo is well worth keeping it captures the feeling of the moment.

  7. I like this too, glad you shared it.

  8. This is the time when the air smells so sweet and fresh.

  9. I like it, too! You've captured a rainy Phoenix day perfectly.

  10. It turned out great. Limited palette.
