Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Storm Brewing

Last Friday evening I was on my way to meet some friends for dinner and while at this traffic light, I noticed how the office buildings on Central Avenue were framed by stormy clouds moving in from the east while at the same time, the setting sun behind me was lighting up the glass on those same buildings. It was such a perfect moment and I knew it wouldn’t last very long. I shot this with my little point and shoot looking straight out the windshield. It’s a little fuzzy but I like it.


  1. Glad you have kept this moment. It's so strange and fantastic!

  2. Great capture of a fleeting, special moment.

  3. I like it too..it's almost other-worldly and conveys that feeling that's in the air as a storm builds. Glad you chanced the shot.

  4. This picture has a lot of feeling to it. Those dark storms that move in from the east can sometimes turn violent but I guess this one didn't. Nice shot.

  5. That is an amazing shot with a point-and-shoot! Love the colors and the lights.

    Re the Marriott - we stay in one of these in south Florida and unfortunately, they no longer serve breakfast of any kind although coffee is available.

  6. Nice shot. It really captures the moment!
