Wednesday, April 28, 2010


I pass this house almost every day on my way to work and I always admire the tile work on this house that has turned into an office. It’s not as impressive as the wonderful Portuguese tile that JM shows us from time to time on Oeiras and Environs Daily Photo, but it does dress up this building quite a bit.


  1. Great catch. I really wish that the style from Portugal with tiles on the front of buildings would catch on. i had not seen this building. I love tiles!

  2. Amazing, isn't it, the way details can transform an object?

  3. This is a lovely tile frame! Glad you show us the detail. Thank you for mentioning my blog, Sharon! :-)

  4. My first thought upon seeing this was that the homeowner must be from Portugal. My second thought was that I wonder if JM will see this and what will he think.

  5. The detail is beautiful! It is such an eye-pleasing way to dress up a building.

  6. Someone had a great idea. That's a perfect way to dress up the house.

  7. I would love to live there. The tile is definitely lovely.
