Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Desert ablaze with color

I mentioned yesterday that I spent the weekend with a close friend at his cabin northwest of Phoenix. To get there one has to drive through about 70 miles of desert before climbing the mountain to the high desert location. The drive can be a bit boring during the hot summer months, but on this trip it was so beautiful that I found myself stopping along the way to take some photos. Those rainy days we had have worked their magic on the desert landscape. I pulled over to the side of the road for today’s photo so I could share with you the abundance of wildflowers lining the highway.

In the smaller photo you can see the spread of desert lupine growing very near the road creating a purplish glow that draws the eye in that direction. Tomorrow I’ll show you some of the things I saw by pulling on to a side road to get a better look at what nature has provided.


  1. gorgeous. i need to get out and see the wildflowers!

  2. such a wonderful, wild garden you discovered.

  3. Truly beautiful!! Sometimes I have a hard time focusing on my driving and not the scenery.

  4. The desert is amazing with all the plants that grow there.

  5. Great photos, Sharon. We need to enjoy this while we can. Can't wait until tomorrow. :-)

  6. The desert in bloom is quite a sight. Good photographs to prove that!

    Ps. I've been travelling back to Mn. the past few days without ready access to the internet; therefore I haven't been commenting very much. I'm still posting from Santa fe since I scheduled it before we left. Hope to be back soon!

  7. Beautiful! Is this whats making me sneeze?

  8. Both images are lovely but the second is my favourite. You can see large spots of colours everywhere around here too.
