Thursday, April 8, 2010

Orange and a hint of purple

These bright orange flowers dotted the desert landscape and if you look closely can see the purple hue of the desert lupine climbing up toward the cactus at the top of the rise. Enlarge to photo to get a better look.

The small photo is a close up of those orange blooms.


  1. These are priceless, Sharon. Perhaps some of the beauty comes from the knowledge that this blossoming will last only for a blink of the eye. I'm so glad you are getting out and capturing this.

  2. Such delicacy and such beauty!!

  3. Excellent photos, Sharon. The desert in bloom is something very special. The second picture is especially nice. It so nice that such beauty pops up in the middle of a desert!

  4. The orange flowers are Desert Globemallow. I recently discovered they come in other colors also. But the orange is what we see most growing wild and I agree the orange and purple are lovely together. Great photos!

  5. These orange flowers are blooming every where right now adding a bright splash of color to the landscape. Lovely.

  6. Love the beauty of the desert this time of year.

  7. That's a beautiful view and these orange blossoms are new to me.
