Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Blue Jay

Over the last weekend, I visited a close friend at his cabin in the mountains about 70 miles northwest of Phoenix. He has quite a collection of birds that visit his yard and chow down on the food that he leaves for them. The favorite meal of the blue jays are peanuts and they squawk loudly when he fill the feeder. I’ve watched them on many occasions, but this was the first time I got a really good shot of them raiding the feeder.


  1. Perfect timing here. I have a home made bench from where I sometimes shoot a lot of bird photos. Hopefully I will be able to use it any day now.

  2. A really good shot, indeed. Great capture, Sharon.

  3. Fantastic! Perfect shot of this beautiful bird!

  4. This is a superb photo! You caught it perfectly!

    Thanks for the info re The Villages - that's exactly right. Still a fascinating place, though - I call it a Disneyland for seniors!

  5. What a perfect capture! Looks like he was just waiting for you. Re. your comment about Acoma. I first visited in the mid '80's; the mesa itself has not changed but the Visitor's Center is fantastic. It and Tent Rocks are my two favorite spots in NM, but then again there's Pecos...!!Waste no time; go visit Acoma ASAP!!

  6. LOL.

    This is an impressive shot.

    The blue jays here will start squawking the minute I step outside and put out peanuts in the shells. They love them and soon a flock will turn up to take them all away.

  7. Outstanding photog.

    Re your comments on photo software: I have heard good things about PSP. I think all these programs can be challenging. I'm anxious to see all the recommendations that are proposed.

  8. What a lovely shot! I love the color of these birds...they are such clowns.

  9. This is great! I love to watch the Blue Jays in action. They are quite the characters.

  10. Wow! This is fantastic, Sharon! Perfect timing and image!
