Monday, January 12, 2009


A new phenomenon in landscaping that I have noticed recently are walls or dividers made of rock that has been wired into cages that form the wanted shape. These Gabion cages or retaining walls have long been used for flood control or protection of bridges and roads but, recently they have emerged as a landscaping device. The one pictured here in both the large and small photos is in front of an office building. I’ve also seen them in parks and along pathways.

Who knew that a bunch of rocks enclosed in a wire cages could be so attractive?


  1. At least they are anti-skateboarding. Anti-sitting too.

    but, they are attractive.

  2. You'll be hearing from the Rock Liberation Front. : )

  3. They are very pretty, indeed. I have seen walls and parts of buildings made like this here and took some photo's that I will post sometime soon.

  4. I've allready seen this on another blog and I like it, I think it's pretty cool.
    We have something similar here to hold the road sides, but it doesn't look like a piece of art as this one does :-)
