Tuesday, January 13, 2009

More Cages

Another version of the Gabion cages that I featured yesterday is this wall that I found at the Tempe Transit Center, the main station for the new Valley Metro Light Rail in the city of Tempe. Instead of housing rocks, these cages house large chunks of broken glass (with the sharp edges buffed off) and an added feature of changing colored lights that give them a soft glow that changes gradually.

The large photo shows them glowing green and the small photo shows them changed to fiery orange.


  1. This I've never seen! It looks fantastic, what a great idea!

  2. This looks great. I hope it continues to look that way in the years ahead after several years of dust and dirt have blown into the glass pieces.

    My mother-in-law yesterday rode the new light rail system from end to end. She said that it was heavily used throughout. With public art like what you have shown, there appears to be a visual treat for the riders as well.

  3. What an extraordinary idea! Beautiful.

  4. Oh I really really like that - what a fantastic idea!

  5. These are interesting I have never seen this! Great photos on your blog

  6. These cages look wonderful. What a clever idea.

  7. I could not found it by google earth, could you point it on the map, I want to get the address
