Sunday, January 11, 2009

More Birds

Back in November, I posted a photo of a rather large gathering of pigeons. You can check it here. This photo was taken at the very same corner only this time there has been the addition of this large billboard. I was struck by the fact that someone would put up a billboard featuring birds at an obvious gathering point for real birds. As you can see from the power lines, the real birds have not been frightened off by these new, larger-than-life birds who have moved in on their territory.


  1. The amount of birds on the power lines is amazing! Very cool!

  2. Wow, they are really packed on that wire!

  3. Lots of them to deal with, yes.

  4. What a fun photo! A clever billboard too.

  5. I guess that's an area you walk under very cautiously.

  6. The billboard shows seagulls. In Phoenix? What's next, penguins and puffins? Too bad there is so much urban sprawl, or maybe you could get a photo of a roadrunner running underneath the birds on a wire and bird billboard.

  7. I thought they were real at first.

  8. I wonder what they love about this corner? They were always there when I lived there too. Maybe they like hanging out close to AJ's.

  9. un hommage à Alfred Hickok ;o))

  10. Just love that billboard. It certainly attracts attention...
