Friday, November 8, 2024

"Heard" and Seen


These little ladies sitting on this shelf are sculptures by Native American artist Roxanne Swentzell.  They were on display in the newly renovated gift shop at the Heard Museum.  The piece is called "Heard" and the artist's statement reads "To speak your truth and be really heard is so important. Being able to hear another whole heartedly is also so important. These two women are expressing these states of sharing and receiving.  I think we could use more of this in the world today."  Amen to that!

The sculpture to the left is also by Roxanne Swentzell.  However, this sculpture was found in a display case in the southwestern art section of the Art Institute of Chicago.  I was pleased to see an artist I've admired here in Arizona represented in such a prestigious art museum so far away from her home state.  This piece is called "Admiration". 

You can see some other pieces of Roxanne's art here and here.  


  1. At first I thought those top sculptures were HUGE. And then I noticed the card next to them. Ha!

  2. Fun pieces to be seen far and wide.

  3. I love "Heard." It emphasizes the importance of listening and friendship.

  4. Thank you for introducing us to this wonderful art
