Monday, September 2, 2024

State Farm Headquarters From Above


When I pulled out the "bridges" photo from yesterday's post, I saw this one taken just seconds before the one with the bridges.  This one was taken as we passed over the State Farm Headquarters office complex.  I posted several photographs form this spot back in 2019.  It's a great place to take photos because those buildings are all glass so they have great reflective quality along with a few interesting architectural details.  You can see one of those posts here.  The buildings don't have the same pizazz from above as they do on the ground.  

By the way, you can also see the Arizona State University football stadium just above the State Farm office complex.  Also, way at the top of the photo and slightly to the right you can see the round Gammage Auditorium.  That's the famous Frank Lloyd Wright designed building that I last featured here.

With the exception of the State Farm buildings in the foreground, most of the rest of the buildings in this photo belong to the university.  It's a BIG campus.