Saturday, June 15, 2024

Inside the Crystal Bridge


Inside the Crystal Bridge, I found a lovely waterfall and a lot of tropical flowers.

It was a treat to see all these wonderful plants.  Though, I will admit it was hot and humid inside this space.  I had to take a break in the air conditioned part and then go back a second time.

Heat and humidity aside, it was worth it to see all these wonderful plants.  I never get to see bananas actually growing on the tree!


  1. Indoor waterfall is looking so lovely

  2. That would be a good place to go on a cold winter day, Sharon.

  3. A great space, and the upside down fruit.

  4. The waterfall must sound nice in that space.

  5. It reminds me of the big glasshouses at Kew! I imagine it does get incredibly hot in summer, though. I wonder how they regulate the temperature while maintaining the humidity?
